Searching for Checklists

This documentation is for version 4.x. For the latest documentation, click here

Searching for Checklists

Search items containing text

You can search for Checklist's items containing specific words. By default, searching from the Basic Search view looks for items containing any of the specified words. This search is case insensitive and returns items based on the root term of the words. JIRA does not support partial word searches.

For more information, refer to the Performing Text Searches section.

Advanced Search

Switch to the Advanced Search view to search for particular Checklist's statuses. In this view, you can use the contains operator (~) to search for items containing text and the equal operator (=) to search for the exact text. Notice that the equal operator is case sensitive. Hence, a search, such as "Definition of Done" = "Peer Review" returns all the issues with Peer Review but not the ones with peer review. While searching for exact text containing more than one word, enclose them in double quotes ("").

Special functions

The Checklist Searcher offers some special functions to find Checklists or Checklist items with a particular status.


Use this function with the = and != operator to find Checklists that have all of their items checked. For example:

"Definition of Done" = allItemsChecked()

returns all the issues where all items of Definition of Done have been checked.


Use this function with the = and != operator to find Checklists that have all of their items unchecked. For example:

"Definition of Done" = allItemsUnchecked()

returns all the issues where all items of Definition of Done have been unchecked.

itemStatus(<statusName>, <name>)

Use this function to find Checklists that have an item that matches the status name (case insensitive) and item name (optional). For example:

"Definition of Done" = itemStatus("Blocked")
"Definition of Done" = itemStatus("Blocked", "Peer Review")

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has an item with the Blocked status.

Note: It is possible to search for items without statuses by using either "" or "none" in the statusName parameter.

checklistItem(<name>, <"checked" or "unchecked">, <statusName>)

Use this function to find Checklists that have an item that matches all these criterion. For example:

"Definition of Done" = checklistItem("Peer Review", "checked", "In Progress")

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has an item with the name: Peer Review that is checked and has the In Progress status.

The second argument must be checked or unchecked (case insensitive).

Note: It is possible to search for items without statuses by using either "" or "none" in the statusName parameter.


Use this function to find Checklists that have greater than or equal to 25% checked for their items. For example:

"Definition of Done" = completionGTEQ25()

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has greater than or equal to 25% checked for their items.


Use this function to find Checklists that have greater than or equal to 50% checked for their items. For example:

"Definition of Done" = completionGTEQ50()

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has greater than or equal to 50% checked for their items.


Use this function to find Checklists that have greater than or equal to 75% checked for their items. For example:

"Definition of Done" = completionGTEQ75()

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has greater than or equal to 75% checked for their items.


Use this function to find Checklists that have less than 25% checked for their items. For example:

"Definition of Done" = completionLT25()

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has less than 25% checked for their items.


Use this function to find Checklists that have less than 50% checked for their items. For example:

"Definition of Done" = completionLT50()

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has less than 50% checked for their items.


Use this function to find Checklists that have less than 75% checked for their items. For example:

"Definition of Done" = completionLT75()

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has less than 75% checked for their items.


Use this function with the = and != operator to find all the Checklists that have all their mandatory items checked. For example:

"Definition of Done" = allMandatoryItemsChecked()

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has all the mandatory items checked.


Use this function with the = and in() operator to find if a specific item has been checked. For example: 

 "Definition of Done" = checkedItem("Peer Review")
 "Definition of Done" in (checkedItem("Peer Review"), checkedItem("Code Review"))

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has Peer Review checked. Note that this is an exact search and hence, it is case sensitive. Also, using the != operator does not return the issues for which Peer Review has been checked. If you want to search for an item which is not checked, use the uncheckedItem function instead.


Use this function with the = and in() operator to find if a specific item is still unchecked. For example:

"Definition of Done" = uncheckedItem("Peer Review")
"Definition of Done" in (uncheckedItem("Peer Review"), uncheckedItem("Code Review"))

returns all the issues where the Definition of Done has Peer Review unchecked. Note that this is an exact search and hence, it is case sensitive.