Searching for Checklists

Searching for Checklists

Checklist offers some basic search on items count, completion and statuses via specialized functions. These can be accessed via the Advanced Search screen.


Since Checklist Cloud is not directly installed on the Jira Server, needs to communicate via REST and is limited to the available Jira's API, some limitations and performance issues may be encountered. These are:

  • Issues with checklist data will only be synced when they are accessed and modified. This means that only issues modified after Checklist version 1.1.8-AC has been installed will have search data.
  • Search data will be synced in the background after an issue has been updated. Normally, this will be done within a second but it may take a few seconds depending on the number of issues to sync. In extreme cases e.g. when checklist definitions are deleted, this may take a lot more time, from a few minutes to over an hour since a lot of issues needs their search data to be updated. Keep in mind that your search data is in the same update pool as all other users of Jira.
  • Search results may, from time to time, return wrong results if the search data is not accurate due to an issue not having search data or the data is pending an update.
  • It is impossible to search for one specific checklist in an issue. If you have multiple checklists in an issue, then all data are aggregated together. For example if in an issue you have Checklist A that has 3 items and Checklist B that has 2 items, then checklistItems will be equal to 5.

Special functions

The Checklist Searcher offers these functions to find Checklists or Checklist items with a particular status.


Use this function with the =,  !=, >, >=, <, <= operators to find Checklists that have items. For example:

checklistItems >= 10

returns all the issues that have 10 or more checklist items.


Use this function with the =,  !=, >, >=, <, <= operators to find Checklists that have a particular percentage of completion. For example:

ChecklistProgress >= 75 AND checklistItems > 0

returns all the issues that has checklist items and where the completion is greater or equal to 75%.


Use this function with the ~ operator to find Checklists that have at least one item with a particular status. For example:

checklistStatuses ~ "In Progress"

returns all the issues where at least one item has the status "In Progress"


Use this function with the = operator and the value 'true' or 'false' to find Checklists that have all of their mandatory items completed. For example:

allMandatoryItemsCompleted = 'true' AND checklistItems > 0

returns all the issues where all the mandatory items are completed (checked).


Use this function with the ~ operator to find Checklists that have at least one item mentioning a particular user. For example:

checklistMentions ~ 557059:9470b22f-c803-4b1f-e166-40124a200ddd

returns all the issues where at least one item mentions the user with the AtlassianID "557059:9470b22f-c803-4b1f-e166-40124a200ddd"

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