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Validate a Checklist
Checklist for Jira already offers a highly versatile Validator but sometimes you require more complex validations. This is where a custom scripted validator comes into play.
The following scripts are using a ScriptRunner Script Validator.
To validate a Checklist, you first retrieve the collection of checklist items from the issue.
def ArrayList<ChecklistItem> existingChecklistValue = (ArrayList<ChecklistItem>) issue.getCustomFieldValue(checklistCustomField);
Then you extract and validate the desired information from the item
// Find out if all items have statuses
def allItemsHaveStatuses = existingChecklistValue.size() > 0;
for (ChecklistItem item : existingChecklistValue) {
if (!item.hasStatus()) {
allItemsHaveStatuses = false;
Finally, you throw an exception if the validation failed.
// Throw exception if not all items have statuses
if (!allItemsHaveStatuses) {
throw new InvalidInputException("All items must have statuses in '" + checklistCustomField.getName() + "' Checklist.");
Following is a complete example of a Custom Validator that verifies if at least one item is checked.