
Changes to concurrent editing in panels

The way that Checklist fields save data in independent, sidebar and agile view panels has been drastically changed to help with concurrent edits. In most cases, multiple users will now be able to work on the same checklist concurrently without overwriting each other’s changes. Performing general actions, such as resetting the checklist or editing the whole checklist using the free-form editor, may still overwrite changes.

Integration with Automation for Jira

The Checklist changed trigger, Checklist condition and Import template action were added to Automation for Jira to help you tailor your checklist-related processes.

To get started, see our use case page.

Creating items in checklist sections

In the past, to add new items to checklist sections, users had to create their items at the bottom of the checklist and then drag them to their intended sections. Now, users will be able to create items directly in the intended checklist sections.

New feedback board

We’ve opened up a feedback board at feedback.okapya.com where users can vote and comment on upcoming features!

In the past, we could only receive user feedback through feature requests in our support portal. This approach had a few issues:

  1. The feature requests weren’t public, so users couldn’t vote or comment on other users' feature requests.

  2. Most users that contact us are administrators, who act as an intermediary between end users and our team. A large group of end users who want a certain feature may be represented by only a handful of administrators, which could make some feature requests look less popular than they really are.

We want to keep improving Checklist to meet your needs. Feel free to post your feedback on feedback.okapya.com!

Alternatively, you can still submit feature requests to our portal.

Changes to the App parameters

Field Configuration features are moving to the App parameters

Breaking changes

The following feature flags have been moved from each individual field configuration to the global App parameters:


Required steps


Required steps

Clever Changelog

If you disabled this feature in your field configurations, you will need to disable it in the App parameters after this release.

Validate Global Items

If you disabled this feature in your field configurations, you will need to disable it in the App parameters after this release.

Show Contact Support

This feature’s default value was changed from Enabled to Disabled. If you want this feature enabled, you will need to enable it in the App parameters after this release.

Export feature visible by default

The Cloud export step, which required you to enable a module in order to have access to field configuration exporting, was removed. The Export feature is now always visible in the Field Configuration screens.

Feature flag added for Agile Details View module visibility in agile boards

Instead of managing app modules, a new feature flag was added to the App parameters that dictates if checklists are displayed in the agile boards' issue details view.

Global enabling and disabling of item to issue conversions

A new feature was added that dictates as a whole if issue conversions are available. When disabled, this feature has priority over each field configuration and will consider the feature disabled in all field configurations.

Other changes

Breaking changes

The methods and fields that were deprecated in Checklist 5.0.0 have now been removed. See for more information.

New features

  • chk-763 Added the ability to generate an entry in the issue history when executing a post function.

  • CHK-907 Added the Bulk Edit and Bulk Complete feature flags to indicate if the bulk editor or the Check/Uncheck All options are available in issues or not.

  • chk-963 Checklists that are in the View screen but not in the Edit screen will not be editable, rather than fail to update.

  • chk-1238 Added the ability to display item descriptions as tooltips.

  • chk-1287 Added the ability to customize the Workflow Validator error message.

  • chk-1301 Checklist Proxies are no longer rendered as HTML when exporting an issue to XML if their related Checklist field’s Confluence Renderer feature is disabled.

  • chk-1302 Added the ability to search for empty due dates using the itemSearch function.

Bug fixes

  • CHK-728 Checklist proxies aren’t updated in the agile board cards when updating the checklist in the side bar.

  • chk-1271 Markdown is culled instead of simply not working when the Advanced Markdown feature is disabled.

  • chk-1303 The Checklists Assigned to Me gadget shows an error message instead of hiding itself when accessed by an anonymous user.

  • chk-1304 The Checklists Assigned to Me gadget shows an error if the current instance of Jira has no Checklist field.

  • CHK-1315 Updates done through the REST API endpoints fail if two items share an ID.

  • chk-1316 Assigning a user to an item fails since Jira 8.20.10.

  • CHK-1319 The Checklists Assigned to Me gadget fails to load if an issue has no priority.

SERVER documentation (On Cloud? Go here.)
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