Editing parameters

Editing parameters

You need administrator rights in Jira to perform the tasks on this page.

Once you have gone to the Custom fields page (see Configuring the Checklist custom field), click Edit Parameters to customize the various checklist settings:

The following page will appear:


These parameters control the functionalities of the checklist.







Mandatory Items

The following effects occur:

  • New checklist items will appear with an asterisk in the top right corner.

  • A button will appear in the editor to allow users to toggle individual checklist items to be either “mandatory” or “optional”.

  • The summary in the header will turn orange when all mandatory items are checked.

  • The allMandatoryItemsChecked JQL function will also be enabled (it will return false otherwise).

Mandatory checklist items do not actually require users to check them. However, this effect can be achieved with a validator (see Setting up a Checklist Workflow Validator).

For more information, see Making mandatory items optional.

The existence of this feature is ignored completely, and new checklist items are not considered to be either mandatory or optional, and will appear as a standard checkbox without an asterisk. If this feature is enabled at a later date, any checklist items that were created while the feature was off will be considered mandatory by default.

available since 6.1.0

Default Mandatory State

Created items will be mandatory by default.

Created items will be optional by default.


Users can assign statuses to checklist items. The default statuses are N/AIn Progress, and Blocked; you can also create custom statuses.

Users cannot assign statuses to checklist items.

Local Items

Users can add local items, which are items that only apply to a single issue.

Users cannot add local items.

Lock on Resolution

Global items that are added or updated will not be reflected in Jira issues that have already been resolved.

In some cases, turning this parameter on may cause currently closed issues or issues closed without touching the checklist to not show global items anymore. By default, checklist data will only persist when the default values are added, modified, or deleted. To prevent this, users must modify and save checklists before closing the issue.

You can achieve this automatically with a post function (see Setting up a Modify Checklists post function) that appends no items to the checklist on transitions resolving/closing the issue. This will force the checklist to persist its data to the database and produce the expected behavior.

Global items that are added, updated or removed will be reflected in all Jira issues, even if they have already been resolved. Reindexing is required to see those changes in searches.

Convert to Issue

Users can convert checklist items to Jira issues.

available since 6.1.0

You can also select an issue link type, which will be used to automatically create an issue link between the created issue and the original issue. In the Convert items to issues dialog, the selected issue link type will be pre-selected.

Users cannot convert checklist items to Jira issues.

available since 6.2.0

Bulk Edit

Users can bulk edit checklist items in issues.

Users cannot bulk edit checklist items in issues.

available since 6.2.0

Bulk Complete

Users can bulk complete checklist items in issues.

Users cannot bulk complete checklist items in issues.

Due Dates

Users can assign due dates to checklist items.

Users cannot assign due dates to checklist items.


Users can assign priorities to checklist items. The priorities that are available come from the priority scheme currently in use for the project.

Users cannot assign priorities to checklist items.

User Assignment

Users can assign checklist items to themselves or other users.

Users cannot assign checklist items to anyone.

Advanced Markdown

Users can format their checklists using the full Markdown suite (CommonMark specification), with the exception of HTML blocks.

Users can only format their checklists using basic Markdown (italics, bold, and hyperlinks).

External Images

Users can embed external images using Markdown syntax.

Users cannot embed external images.

Section Headings

Users can create headers to group together checklist items.

  • Summary: When enabled, a count will appear next to each header that tallies how many checklist items are checked out of the total number of checklist items in that section.

  • Collapsible: When enabled, a caret will appear that allows users to expand and collapse sections.

  • Collapsed by default: When enabled, all section headings will automatically be collapsed when a checklist is viewed.

Users cannot create headers.

If this feature was enabled and then is later disabled, existing headers are not converted to regular items; instead, it simply removes the ability to create new headers and convert items to headers.

Look & Feel

These parameters control the visual appearance of the checklist.


These parameters apply to the checklist in general.







Strike Through

When the checklist is in read-only view, a strike through effect will be applied to checklist items when they are checked.

This is disabled in edit views, such as the panel display modes and Agile boards.

No strikethrough effect will be applied to checklist items when they are checked.

Show More Count

On the issue details page, only a certain number of checklist items will be listed before a show more link is displayed. The checklist must be in read-only view for this feature to work, which means that Display Mode must be set to Custom field.

All checklist items are always displayed.

Show Checklist With No Items

If Display Mode is set to Custom field, the checklist will still appear in the issue detail view if it contains no items.

The checklist will not appear in the issue detail view if it contains no items.

Show Checklist With Items Unchecked

If Display Mode is set to Custom field, the checklist will still appear in the issue detail view if none of its items are checked.

The checklist will not appear in the issue detail view if none of its items are checked.

Display Mode


Applies the selected display mode to the checklist in the issue details view:

  • Custom field: The checklist is displayed as a pop-out panel that must be clicked before it can be edited (it is placed within a screen tab).

  • Independent panel: The checklist is displayed as an independent panel that can be directly edited. Checklists are shown one after another within the panel.

  • Sidebar panel: The checklist is displayed as a panel in the right-hand sidebar that can be directly edited. Checklists are shown one after another within the panel.

available since 5.2.2

Assignee Display


Indicates how the assignee is displayed on a checklist item.

  • Avatar (default): Only show the user’s avatar.

  • Name: Only show the user’s full name.

  • Initials: Only show the user’s initials.

  • Avatar and initials: Show the user’s avatar and initials.

  • Avatar and name: Show the user’s avatar and name.

available since 6.2.0

Description Display


Indicates how the description is displayed on a checklist item.

  • Expandable link (default): Shows an expandable link under the item name.

  • Tooltip: Shows an exclamation mark icon next to the item name that opens a tooltip on hover.

available since 6.1.0

Compact View

The checklist’s view will be more compact, saving vertical scrolling for longer checklists.

The checklist will have the default look and feel.

Available since 6.1.0

Show Only Checked Items

The checklist behaves like a standard Checkboxes custom field, where only checked items are displayed in the preview.

All items are rendered in the read-only view.

Available since 6.2.4

Limit Width

The checklist will limit it’s maximum width to 1024 pixels.

The checklist will expand its width without limit. Useful if you want to make use of all the available space.


These parameters apply to the checklist’s header specifically.







Checklist Header

A header is displayed at the very top of the checklist that shows completion progress and checklist operations.

  • Read-Only View: When enabled, the header is displayed in read-only view.

  • Edit View: When enabled, the header is displayed in edit view.

No header is displayed at the very top of the checklist.

Summaries' Source


Indicates what the header’s banner and progress bar base their progression on.

  • All items: The summaries will show progress based on all of the checklist’s items, regardless of whether the items are optional or mandatory.

  • Mandatory items: The summaries will show progress based only on the checklist’s mandatory items.

Banner Appearance


The color scheme of the banners:

  • Subtle: Displays the banners in muted colors.

  • Normal: Displays the banners in bold colors.

Banner Type


The type of banner that will be displayed:

  • Progression: Displays a progress summary.

  • Custom Labels: Enables the Custom Banner Labels section at the bottom of the page for creating custom checklist statuses.

Custom Banner Labels

This section is only enabled when Custom Labels is selected for Banner Type in the section above. It allows you to specify custom banners to display when the checklist reaches different levels of completion.

Each label can be dynamically filled with custom variables (see Using variables in custom text fields) and supports basic Markdown (see Using special formatting).






Displays the entered custom status when the entire checklist is complete.


Displays the entered custom status when the checklist is partially complete.

All mandatory

Displays the entered custom status when all mandatory items in the checklist are complete.


Displays the entered custom status when the checklist contains no items.

Access Control

These parameters control which users are able to modify the checklist.





