Viewing Checklist statistics in dashboards

Viewing Checklist statistics in dashboards

available since 6.0.0

Statistical data for a Checklist custom field can be consulted in standard Jira dashboard gadgets. The statistics are based on checked items the same way they are for selected labels in a Labels field. The labels of the checked items consist of their names, stripped of Markdown.

Looking for a way to view all your incomplete items in a gadget? See Viewing your incomplete items in a dashboard.

To view Checklist custom field statistics:

The following example uses the Issue Statistics gadget, but the same procedure can also be applied to other field-based statistics gadgets.

  1. Click the Dashboards menu on the top left of the screen and open the dashboard of your choice.


  2. Open the Add a gadget dialog by clicking Add gadget on the top right of the dashboard.


  3. In the row for the gadget, click Add gadget.


  4. In the Statistic Type field, select a Checklist custom field. Configure the remaining settings and click Save.

The gadget will now show statistics from the checked items in the selected Checklist custom field.

SERVER documentation (On Cloud? Go here.)
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