Using variables in custom text fields

Variables can be used in all custom text fields for both the Checklist and the Proxy custom fields. This can be a powerful way to customize what summaries to display when viewing checklist data.

The following custom banner label:

Was created using this variable configuration:

%CompletedMandatoryItems%/%TotalMandatoryItems%M (%PercentCompleted%%)

The available variables are:

  • %CompletedItems%: The number of items in the checklist that are checked.

  • %IncompleteItems%: The number of items in the checklist that are unchecked.

  • %TotalItems%: The total number of items in the checklist.

  • %PercentCompleted%: The percentage of the total number of items in the checklist that are checked.

  • %PercentIncomplete%: The percentage of the total number of items in the checklist that are unchecked.

  • %CompletedMandatoryItems%: The number of mandatory items in the checklist that are checked.

  • %IncompleteMandatoryItems%: The number of mandatory items in the checklist that are unchecked.

  • %TotalMandatoryItems%: The total number of mandatory items in the checklist.

  • %PercentMandatoryCompleted%: The percentage of the total number of mandatory items in the checklist that are checked.

  • %PercentMandatoryIncomplete%: The percentage of the total number of mandatory items in the checklist that are unchecked.

  • %CompletedGlobalItems%: The number of global items in the checklist that are checked.

  • %IncompleteGlobalItems%: The number of global items in the checklist that are unchecked.

  • %TotalGlobalItems%: The total number of global items in the checklist.

  • %PercentGlobalCompleted%: The percentage of the total number of global items in the checklist that are checked.

  • %PercentGlobalIncomplete%: The percentage of the total number of global items in the checklist that are unchecked.

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