Updating items in checklists using SIL

Updating items in checklists using SIL

A common use case involves updating the properties of existing checklist items.


  1. Retrieve the current list of items from the custom field converted from JSON to the oChecklistItem structure.

    oChecklistItem[] items = fromJson(DoD);
  2. Loop over the collection and apply the desired changes. For example, you could remove the status of a specific item.

    for(oChecklistItem item in items) { if (item.name == "Code reviewed") { item.statusId = "none"; } }
  3. Update the custom field by passing it the same collection that was initially extracted from the custom field converted to JSON.

    DoD = toJson(items);


Here is a full example that can be used to modify a checklist to:

  • Uncheck all items;

  • Clear items with the “In Progress” status;

  • Make the “Code reviewed” item optional.

In this example, the checklist field’s name is DoD.

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