Placing checklists inside issue tabs

You need administrator rights in Jira to perform the tasks on this page.

Jira contains tools to create tabs when you are configuring a screen and place any custom fields inside those tabs — including checklists! When you view that screen in Jira, you will then be able to see the new tabs and custom fields that you configured.

To create a new tab and place a checklist inside it:

  1. Go to Administration > Issues.


  2. In the sidebar, go to Screens > Screens.


  3. In the Actions column for an existing screen, click Configure.


  4. To the right of the existing tab(s), click the + button.


  5. Enter a name for the new tab and click Add.


  6. Click in the Field name drop-down, select the name of a Checklist custom field, and click Add.

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