Editing global items using REST APIs
You need administrator rights in Jira to perform the tasks on this page.
To improve readability, all JSON results will be beautified, whereas the actual results will not.
Request URI
The base request URI for all APIs on this page is as follows:
http://{JIRA Instance Name}/rest/com.okapya.jira.checklist/latest/checklists/configuration/{FieldConfigId}/globalitems
See Configuring checklists using REST APIs | Base configuration path for more help with the Request URI.
post [...]/globalitems
You can create a new global item in the field configuration.
| Description | Example |
Request | A JSON representation of the item to create. The JSON can be simplified to only include the required fields, such as the name. Specifying a Ranks are zero-based. | {
"name": "All tests clear"
} or {
"name": "All tests clear",
"statusId": "blocked"
} |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the newly created item. | {
"id": 3,
"name": "All tests clear",
"mandatory": true,
"rank": 0,
"statusId": "blocked",
"dueDate": null,
"isHeader": false,
"checked": false,
"priorityId": null,
"disabled": false
} |
Get all items
get [...]/globalitems
You can get all global items included in the path’s field configuration, with the option to exclude disabled items.
| Description | Example |
Query parameters | optional
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the list of global items. | [
"id": 3,
"name": "All tests clear",
"mandatory": true,
"rank": 0,
"statusId": "none",
"dueDate": null,
"isHeader": false,
"checked": false,
"priorityId": null,
"disabled": false
"id": 5,
"name": "Development reviewed",
"mandatory": true,
"rank": 1,
"statusId": "none",
"dueDate": null,
"isHeader": false,
"checked": false,
"priorityId": null,
"disabled": false
] |
Get a single item
get [...]/globalitems/{globalItemId}
By providing a global item ID, you can get the contents of a single global item.
| Description | Example |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the requested global item. | {
"id": 3,
"name": "All tests clear",
"mandatory": true,
"rank": 0,
"statusId": "none",
"dueDate": null,
"isHeader": false,
"checked": false,
"priorityId": null,
"disabled": false
} |
Update an item
put [...]/globalitems/{globalItemId}
You can update the specified global item’s content.
| Description | Example |
Request | A JSON representation of the fields to update, including their values. To keep updating simple, you only have to list the fields and values that you want to update. Specifying a Ranks are zero-based. | {"mandatory":false} or {"mandatory":false, "disabled":true}
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the updated global item. | {
"id": 3,
"name": "All tests clear",
"mandatory": false,
"rank": 0,
"statusId": "none",
"dueDate": null,
"isHeader": false,
"checked": false,
"priorityId": null,
"disabled": true
} |
See where a global item is in use
available since 5.2.1
get [...]/globalitems/{globalItemId}/usages
You can query to know how many issues currently have a value for the global item.
| Description | Example |
Response | Returns a JSON with the number of issues that have a value for the specified global item. | {
"issueCount": 123
} |
available since 5.2.1
delete [...]/globalitems/{globalItemId}
You can delete a global item in the field configuration.
| Description | Example |
Query parameters | available since 5.2.1 optional
If this parameter isn’t provided, issue values won’t be deleted. The deletion will behave the same way as if the Global Item Validation setting were disabled. |
For the list of potential exceptions, see Exceptions for configuration REST APIs | Global items exceptions.