You might need to supplement an existing checklist with additional items, this page will demonstrate how to achieve this.
To add items, retrieve the custom field value and then add the desired items to it:
// Add an item to the Checklist def ArrayList<ChecklistItem> existingChecklistValue = (ArrayList<ChecklistItem>) issue.getCustomFieldValue(checklistCustomField); def newItem = checklistCustomFieldType.getSingularObjectFromString('{"name": "item name"}'); newItem.setRank(existingChecklistValue.size() + 1); existingChecklistValue.add(newItem); // Update the issue with the new checklist checklistCustomFieldType.updateValue(checklistCustomField, event.issue, newChecklistValue);
Here is a complete example that adds two items to an existing checklist:
import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.runner.customisers.WithPlugin; import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor; import com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue; @WithPlugin("com.okapya.jira.checklist") import com.okapya.jira.customfields.*; def ChecklistItem createChecklistItem(ChecklistCFType cfType, String name, boolean checked, String status, boolean mandatory, int rank) { def itemJson = """ { "name": "${name}", "checked": ${checked ? "true" : "false"}, "statusId": "${status == null || status == "" ? "none" : status}", "mandatory": ${mandatory ? "true" : "false"}, "rank": ${rank} } """; return cfType.getSingularObjectFromString(itemJson); } // Retrieve the Custom Field Type for the Checklist Custom Field def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager(); def checklistCustomField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObject("customfield_10013"); def checklistCustomFieldType = (ChecklistCFType) checklistCustomField.getCustomFieldType(); // Add items to the existing Checklist def issue = (MutableIssue) event.issue; def ArrayList<ChecklistItem> existingChecklistValue = (ArrayList<ChecklistItem>) issue.getCustomFieldValue(checklistCustomField); def maxRank = existingChecklistValue.size(); existingChecklistValue.add( createChecklistItem(checklistCustomFieldType, "Move the folder structure", false, null, true, maxRank++) ); existingChecklistValue.add( createChecklistItem(checklistCustomFieldType, "Remove *.exe files", false, null, true, maxRank++) ); // Update the issue with the checklist checklistCustomFieldType.updateValue(checklistCustomField, issue, existingChecklistValue);